Still Got That Wimbledon Spirit?

Tennis Glasgow

Has Andy's win at Wimbledon inspired you to pick up a racket or perhaps after seeing all the exertions on the centre court you've realised that tennis is a great way to get fit?

We've joined forces with Glasgow Tennis and want you to channel that Wimbledon spirit, turn off the TV, get off the sofa and get onto a court. And as an incentive we've the chance to win a £500 sports voucher, so you can get kitted out!

Tennis in Glasgow is so much more than watching Wimbledon on TV for a couple of weeks, it's a great way to stay active and have a bit of fun with your mates.

They have 19 outdoor courts spread across the city and the best thing is - you can play them all for FREE. They even have the racquets and balls, you just need to bring yourself. And don't let rain stop play - they also have 12 indoor courts throughout the city so you can keep your game up all year.

There's also a whole host of tennis sessions to help you improve your serve or meet others that fancy a game, with everything from Cardio Tennis to Social Tennis there's plenty to choose from.

Find out all you need to know about all the sessions here before you pop down for a shot and don’t let the glory of Wimbledon be forgotten!

Get kitted out with a £500 Sport Shopping Voucher!

If you really want to look the business on court then enter our comp for the chance to win a £500 sport shopping voucher. All you have to do is answer the question below correctly but hurry as entry closes at midnight on Sunday 21st July.

Tennis Glasgow
Find out more and b
ook a court now...

And tell them what tennis mean to you
on Twitter @glasgowtennis

#Tennisis - a great way to keep fit
#Tennisis - a passion
#Tennisis - for everyone!