10 Things You Only Know If You've Done The Great North Run
5 September 2016, 16:15 | Updated: 5 September 2016, 16:17

The the Great North Run weekend is almost upon us...any of these sound familiar?
For those of you who are old pros at the Great North Run, you'll know all of these already.
For those of you new to it, here's a little insight into what you can expect.
To everyone running. GOOD LUCK!
1. You DEFINITELY won't be able to find any of these bad boys on the morning of the run.

2. If you're a bloke, you'll be REALLY glad you whacked some of this on under your running vest before you set off.
3. You will need the toilet when you get to the start line. FACT. Just brave the portaloos. They're not *too* bad. Promise.
4. Sprinting off from the start line like you're Mo Farah. Then asking if you're nearly at South Shields as you're just getting to the Tyne Bridge. (Clue: You're not. In fact you're only just about at mile 1)
5. Starting the 'oggy, oggy, oggy' chant on the Central Motorway underpass. #BestFeelingEver
6. Seeing Spongebob Squarepants / Wonderwoman / a giant yellow chicken in front of you and making it your aim to finish before them. In reality, they will probably beat you.
7. You've made it most of the way to Shields, but let's talk about THAT hill. You know, the one everyone always says is the hardest bit. Can anyone tell us HOW running DOWNHILL can be so painful?!
8. The last mile. Let's just talk about that last mile. Are we sure it's been measured right? Because it feels longer than the whole of the rest of the run!
9. Crossing the finish line. There's not a lot we can say about this one. Just soak it all up. Enjoy the moment. You've done it!
10. Nothing will EVER taste as good as the post-Great North Run takeaway that you are bound to have for your dinner on Sunday night. Go on, treat yourself. It's guilt-free. You've earned it!