People Are Shocked That A Cosmetic Surgeon Designed This Celeb As The Perfect Female Face
6 September 2016, 16:50 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Miley Cyrus's forehead, Selena Gomez's chin & more create this celeb apparently...
Cosmetic surgery is nothing new.
For years people have been getting surgical enhancements to alter their looks.
Pop Stars... Blonde Or Brunette? 23 Stars Who Changed It Up!
Celebs are often used as examples for the surgeries people would like to get.
So asking to have a chin like Selena Gomez isn't out of the ordinary!
But one Doctor told indy100 that he'd found the perfect face by 'combining requests from 1,000 of his female patients over the past 10 years'.
Check out the image he sent them in the tweet below...
Composite of the world's most desirable face, determined by requests to plastic surgeons for celebrity features.
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) August 31, 2016
Just try and ignore the spelling of Selina Gomez... *eye roll*
The fact that most people have requested eyes like Keira Knightley and cheeks like Angelina Jolie isn't really a surprise.
Who knew Miley Cyrus had such a desirable forehead though!?
However the biggest shock of all came from the image itself.
Whilst you may think it's just a combination of all these celebs to make the 'perfect' woman, it actually appears to be much more.
As some very observant Twitter users have pointed out, the image that cosmetic surgeon Dr Julian De Silva has used seems to be a slightly photoshopped image of Nina Dobrev from Vampire Diaries...
So @ninadobrev how do you like having the most desirable face?
— a child of god (@AfricanKhaIeesi) September 1, 2016
Fans were pretty vocal when they spotted the alleged use of Nina's image...
So @ninadobrev how do you like having the most desirable face?
— a child of god (@AfricanKhaIeesi) September 1, 2016
that's Nina Dobrev honey, nice try tho and yes we all know she has the most desirable face :) @drjuliandesilva
— lydia (@dobrevment) September 1, 2016
"the most desirable face" literally looks like @ninadobrev
— Zoe Faith (@Zeesteeer) September 3, 2016
The world's most desirable face is an uglier version of @ninadobrev
— Jeanie Weber (@jeanie_weber35) September 4, 2016
There are so many similarities with this image and the picture of Nina Dobrev that it's almost impossible to deny.
From the almost identical face to the way the light hits the hair - there are just sooo many crossovers.
One of the funniest reactions to the whole thing was from these two news anchors...
The actress didn't seem too bothered about the possible use of her image when responding to fellow Vampire Diaries actor Zac Roerig on Twitter...
— Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev) September 2, 2016
So what do you make of all this?
Is it an honest mistake or a blatant rip off?