You season 2: Love and Forty Quinn's names have a hidden meaning
27 December 2019, 21:48
Tennis fans will recognise the pairing of Love and Forty Quinn's names in You season 2. The twins (played by Victoria Pedretti and James Scully) have an unusual set of names that are an homage to the point scoring system in tennis.
What is the meaning behind Forty and Love Quinn's names in You season 2? Season 2 of You on Netflix arrived this week (December 26) and brought with it a fully loaded cast of characters including well-to-do twins, Love and Forty Quinn. Love and Forty are played by Victoria Pedretti and James Scully, respectively. Love and Forty have a co-dependent relationship that goes back years as well as an unusual pair of names. But what do Love and Forty's names actually mean? The tennis fans among us finally have some representation.
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Warning: Mild spoilers for You season 2 ahead.
It's not unusual for rich folks to give their offspring unique names. Think of the 'Apples' and 'North Wests' among us.
Love and Forty's names are a not-so-subtle homage to the point scoring system in tennis which says "Love" is equivalent to 0 and "40" denotes 3 points in the game.
For instance, a tennis game where the score is 0-0 would be termed "love-love".
It's not 100% explained why the twins are called "Forty" and "Love" but it's clear that their parents must be tennis fans if they'd name their twins "Forty" and "Love".
There's also a tense scene between the pair where they discuss their states of personal and professional turmoil over a game of tennis.
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The names "Forty" and "Love" may also be a way to denote the LA-ishness of Joe's new companions. Tennis is a pretty upper-class sport and their parents clearly have enough money to give Love and Forty outlandish Hollywood names and lifestyles.
They also have enough money to shield their children from the consequences of their own actions while Joe (who has a pretty average name) had to grow up in an unstable household and face the world's trials.
When Joe and Love get together, it represents new "love" for the troubled anti-hero, as well as his foray into life as an Angeleno.