QUIZ: Only a true Twilight fan can name all 14 characters in this expert quiz

12 May 2020, 17:48

QUIZ: Only a true Twilight fan can name all 14 characters in this expert quiz
QUIZ: Only a true Twilight fan can name all 14 characters in this expert quiz. Picture: Summit Entertainment
Sam  Prance

By Sam Prance

You know Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black but do you know the minor characters in the Twilight franchise?

It's no exaggeration to say that say Twilight raised us. We grew up devouring all of the books, watching every film, obsessing over Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. Ever since we were first exposed to the legendary world of Bella Swan, Edward Cullen and Jacob Black, we couldn't get enough and little has changed since. Bring on Midnight Sun!

READ MORE: A new vampire film is coming out and people are calling it the "feminist" Twilight

Are you a true Twilight aficionado though or are you a fake fan? Did you watch Twilight just once or did you watch it multiple times with the actors' commentary? Did you read New Moon the day that it came out in cinemas or have you only seen the movie? Can you name every character from the franchise? Find out if you're really a Twilight expert in our quiz.

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