The funniest Game of Thrones memes from season 8

21 May 2019, 22:43

Nicky Idika

By Nicky Idika

All the best memes from Game of Thrones season 8, including ones about Arya Stark killing the Night King, Bran becoming King of the six Kingdoms, Daenerys burning down King's landing and more.

The Game of Thrones season 8 finale officially marked the end of the show's long run on HBO. Despite it being over, we can all look back on the best memes of Game of Thrones season 8 with fondness. Game of Thrones as told by the memes definitely sums up the experience of watching the 6 episodes in season 8.

The final season of Game of Thrones was ripe for all the best meme-ing. Moments like Daenerys Targaryan's passive aggressive peace talks with Sansa, to Arya killing the Night King, and even Bran becoming king inspired people on the internet to come up with hilariously accurate captions and photo reactions.


Season 8 episode 1 memes covered everything from Jon and Daenerys arriving to Winterfell, Arya flirting with Gendry, and Bran waiting to pull up on Jaime Lannister.

In Game of Thrones season 8 episode 1, Jon and Daenerys arrived to Winterfell, an affair which inspired plenty of memes. Jon reunited with his siblings but Dany's reception was icy, to say the least. Episode 1 set up some plot points that would make sense later in the season, like Arya and Gendry flirting and Jaimie coming face to face with Bran Stark.

Some of the best memes from episode 1 were the ones that implied that Daenarys' dragon was trying to warn Jon that he doing the dirty with his aunt. And, of course, the ones about Jon Snow finding out that he is a Targaryan with a legitimate claim to the iron Throne.


Season 8 episode 2 memes gave us Daenerys' fake smile and reactions to the plan to lure the Night King using Bran Stark. Arya and Gendry also had sex in episode 2 and the memes were god tier.

In Game of Thrones season 8 episode 2, Dany's relatable fake smile became one of the more meme-able moments of the week. Jaime's credibility was put to the test and fans worried about whether Greyworm and Missandei would make it out alive. Ghost also showed up and Tormund was, well, Tormund AF.

Meanwhile, the plan to lure the Night King to the Weirwood using Bran Stark had people imagining all sorts of things, Arya and Gendry having sex set the internet ablaze, and Dany found out she was having sex with her nephew! Whew, packed episode!

Sophie Turner's NSFW reaction to Maisie Williams' sex scene in Game of Thrones is hilarious


Season 8 episode 3 memes and reaction focused on the battle of Winterfell and Arya Stark killing the Night King.

Game of Thrones season 8 episode 3 was dark in more ways than one. Our favourite characters came face to face with the Night King and his white walker army but some of the funniest memes were about the fact that viewers could hardly see what was going on in this episode. Much of it was shot at night, giving fans QUITE the viewing experience.

Meanwhile, Arya killed the Night King in season 8 episode 3 and the memes were incredible.


Season 8 episode 4 memes had fans focusing on Arya Stark letting Gendry down after their steamy sex scene in episode 2, Jamie and Brienne having sex, and Jon walking away from Ghost.

In Game of Thrones season 8 episode 4 there was a huge party in Winterfell to celebrate the win against the Night King and honour the dead. Overcome with a bout of clinginess, Gendry (a newly made Lord) proposes to Arya who lets him down gently.

Brienne and Jaime Lannister have sex and, elsewhere, Jon Snow reveals to Sansa and Arya that he is a Targaryan. The CGI creatures have a tough go of it this episode as Jon Snow refuses to pet Ghost and Rhaegal is killed on the way to confront Cersei.

Also, in case you forgot, a coffee cup accidentally made it to the final airing of the episode 4.


Season 8 episode 5 memes were kicked into overdrive as Verys was executed, Tyrion and Jaime said goodbye, and Daenerys and Drogon barbecued King's Landing.

In Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5 Verys is executed by Drogon after it is made clear that he is plotting against Daenerys. Meanwhile, Tyrion releases Jaime, who promptly sets out in search of Cersei.

Daenerys wages war against Cersei Lannister's army and surprises audiences by ignoring the bells of surrender and burning King's Landing to a crisp. Jamie and Cersei die in each other's arms and Jon and Tyrion realise that Daenerys must be stopped.


Season 8 episode 6, the Bran Stark memes dominated the finale, as well as ones about Brienne writing in the book, and Sansa Queen of The North.

In Game of Thrones season 8 episode 6 a lot happened including Daenerys Targaryan's death, Bran becoming the King of the six kingdoms, and Brienne of Tarth finishing off Jaime Lannister's story. Bran Stark's kingship inspired plenty of "group project memes", and the shot of Daenerys' wings had people thinking of films studies memes.

No matter what you thought of the ending, there's no denying the fact that it was all unexpected and emotional–including the memes.

What did you guys think of Game of Thrones season 8 an its memes?