Over 25,000 One Day at a Time fans sign petition to save the cancelled Netflix show

15 March 2019, 16:10

Sam  Prance

By Sam Prance

One Day at a Time has not been renewed for season 4 by Netflix...

Yesterday (Mar 15), Netflix announced that it had cancelled One Day at a Time.

Explaining their decision, Netflix tweeted: "We’ve made the very difficult decision not to renew One Day at a Time for a fourth season. The choice did not come easily — we spent several weeks trying to find a way to make another season work but, in the end, simply not enough people watched to justify another season." Now fans and the cast are campaigning to save the show and over 25,000 people have signed a petition for Netflix to renew it.

Where can I sign the petition to save One Day at a Time?

One Day at a Time: Petition to save the cancelled Netflix show for season 4
One Day at a Time: Petition to save the cancelled Netflix show for season 4. Picture: Netflix // Change

As soon as Netflix made the controversial cancellation announcement, One Day at a Time fans immediately began spreading the #SaveODAAT hashtag on Twitter and sharing why the show means so much to them. Fans even set up a petition to save the show and now the cast, crew and fans around the world are signing it and sharing it on social media along with the #SaveODAAT hashtag. Get tweeting now.


The decision to cancel One Day at a Time is particularly controversial seeing as it is one of Netflix's few original shows which centres the Latinx community. Not only that but it's notable for telling LGBTQ+ stories and exploring themes like anxiety and racism in incredibly poignant and important ways. Oh and it's hilarious and heartwarming. With that in mind, it's no wonder that so many people are campaigning to save it.

Here are just a few of the tweets to save the show.

Given the overwhelming response, it seems like Netflix may want to reconsider their decision. If so One Day at a Time would be the first show that they've renewed after cancelling it. However, if not, there's still a chance that another TV network may pick up the series for a fourth season. NBC and Hulu, for example, have both been known to pick up previously cancelled shows.

With enough tweets, signs and shares - there's a genuine possibility that fans could save One Day at a Time.

#SaveODAAT. Spread the word.