Why MAFS Australia's Tim used fake name on the show

18 March 2025, 14:39

MAFS Australia's Tim accused of using a fake name on the show
MAFS Australia's Tim accused of using a fake name on the show. Picture: Nine

By Abbie Reynolds

Tim Gromie from MAFS Australia faced a whole lot of backlash and now he's even been accused of using a fake name.

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If you like a quiet life, let this be your reminder to never sign up for a reality TV show because, despite all his efforts to distance himself from Married at First Sight Australia, 38-year-old groom Tim has faced an onslaught of backlash that has even managed to seep it's way into his private life and career.

What's more is, after some top notch reality TV sleuths did some digging, it appears Tim might have even attempted to save some anonymity by using a fake name on the show. It's been claimed that he did this as a way to protect his career as a teacher but with reports that Tim lost his job, it doesn't look like it worked.

This all emerged when a TikToker claiming to be a personal investigator revealed that, when Channel Nine first released the cast's bios, Tim wasn't listed as Tim Gromie - the name we've all become far too familiar with.

Did Tim from MAFS Australia use a fake name?

Katie and Tim married on MAFS Australia
Katie and Tim married on MAFS Australia. Picture: Nine

They said: "I just did a deep dive on Tim on MAFS and there is something really weird going on... Before the show began Channel Nine put up contestant bios for everyone featured.

"Tim was there, but he was listed as Tim Andrews. Nine updated the bios and we can see the difference in the lingering Google data."

They later added that they'd looked him up under the official teacher's registry and couldn't find a Tim Gromie. "He must be registered, but I looked it up and no Tim Gromie appears.

"But when I put in Timothy Andrews someone does appear! Weird, right? It's all just a bit off, like what is this guy trying to hide?," they added.

One commenter claimed: "He goes by 'Tim Gromie' or 'Gromie' socially... but uses 'Tim Andrews' professionally. This is standard practice in teaching/healthcare/policing to use an alias online."

Tim is on MAFS Australia
Tim on MAFS Australia. Picture: Nine

However, a source has now alleged to Daily Mail Australia that using 'Gromie' over 'Andrews' was an attempt for Tim to protect his career and according to the outlet Gromie is one of his middle names.

The source said: "He was really concerned about how being on the show would affect his career. He saw what happened to past participants like Olivia Frazer and Alyssa Barmonde. He didn’t want to be in a situation where his professional life was ruined because of a reality TV edit."

They continued: "He was already warned that being linked to MAFS could make it hard for him to get hired again, so he pushed for a name change to keep some distance between his TV persona and real-life profession."

Katie and Tim had a heated dinner party
Katie and Tim had a heated dinner party. Picture: Nine

"Tim has seen how brutal the MAFS audience can be. Contestants can go in thinking they’ll be portrayed fairly, but if they're given a bad edit their whole life can be derailed.

"He didn't want to risk being typecast as the villain and then struggle to rebuild his career once the cameras stopped rolling."

Sadly for Tim, who has been branded one of this seasons 'villains', it looks like his career has been impacted as people who have claimed they are the parents of his former students have spoken out about him.

One parent said: "I don’t have huge updates since the show, I do know he’s been fired from our school, and he’s not here for this year that’s for sure.

"I’m a parent at the school Mr Andrews was teaching at before MAFS. He was my two boys’ sports teacher last year and he wasn’t a good teacher."

Read more about MAFS Australia here:

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