Love Island winners reveal truth about £50k prize money

14 March 2025, 15:14

What you don't know about the Love Island prize money
What you don't know about the Love Island prize money. Picture: Shutterstock

By Abbie Reynolds

Love Island All Stars winners Casey and Gabby revealed surprising fact about the show's cash prize.

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Love Island All Stars winner Gabby Allen didn't even know there was a cash prize for the all stars edition, so that £25k share of the £50k winnings was an added bonus to her becoming Love Island royalty and leaving the show 'exclusive' with Casey O'Gorman.

Speaking to Love Island: The Morning After's Amy Hart she said: "You know I didn't even know that was a thing, until just now? I didn't even know that's what you won... It was only tonight that I heard that. I didn't think on All Stars that you got a winnings. That's amazing!"

When Casey and Gabby came into Capital to give us the lowdown on what it's really like to win the show, they told us how they plan to spend the money but revealed some huge news.

Casey and Gabby came and spoke to Capital's Aimee Vivian
Casey and Gabby came and spoke to Capital's Aimee Vivian. Picture: Global

Casey revealed the money hadn't even been given to them yet! For context, they told us this 11 days after the final was aired.

"They're slow with it," Casey joked before turning to Gabby and checking: "Has it come in for you?" She assured him that she also didn't have the money. Come on ITV!

But for when they did receive the money they had a few ideas about what they wanted to do with it.

"So it's my brother's 30th...and I want to do something really special for him and get my mum involved so I think we might go on holiday, a little family hol," Gabby told us.

What it's REALLY like to win Love Island with Casey and Gabby

On the other hand, Casey said: "I haven't really thought about it honestly, I want to invest a lot of it but yeah, treat ourselves. We want to go on a nice holiday so [we'll] put some aside for that as well."

Last year Casey's best mate Tom Clare won the show alongside his now-girlfriend Molly Smith. The pair revealed that they spent their winnings on a new home.

Speaking to the tabloids, they said: "We've spent the money and it all went to the house. We did wait and we saved it, but then obviously we found the house and wanted it.

"And you don’t realise until you come to do it just how expensive renovation is, and it all adds up."

So while it might take some time to reach the bank accounts, Casey and Gabby can rest easy knowing ITV will pay up eventually.

Read more Love Island here:

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