When Is The Love Island Lie Detector Test & Has It Been Scrapped?
4 July 2019, 13:10
The lie detector challenge is fast approaching on Love Island, so when is the challenge and what do we predict is in store for the 2019 islanders?
Casa Amor well and truly brought the drama we had all been waiting for on Love Island 2019, and as we leap over that dramatic hurdle, there's one challenge that's in sight, the dreaded lie detector test.
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It's the challenge that's seen seemingly solid couples crumble on national TV and normally calm and collected people turn to pools of sweat as millions of us at home revel in the drama.
A few months back it made the headlines as it was being suggested that as the show's new duty of care plan that they'd be scrapping the dramatic challenge as a means of protecting the islanders, although this was never confirmed
So, when, if ever, will the challenge finally be on our screens and what on earth is going to go down?!
The Love Island producers now need to give us what we deserve and bring back the Lie Detector Test. Can you imagine the CARNAGE. #LoveIsland pic.twitter.com/Uy1RfMhSSA
— Clare (@coexxist12) July 3, 2019
the lie detector episode is gonna go owfffff #loveisland
— murn (@_muzzz_) July 2, 2019
The lie detector usually comes right near the end of the series when all the couples are settled and blissfully happy just to smash through everybody's happiness.
Now that Casa Amor is out the way, there's about a month left of the dating show, so we probably have a few more weeks to wait yet, with everyone's favourite baby challenge still yet to come.
Rumours of it being scrapped came after a guest that had recently partaken in a lie detector test on Jeremy Kyle died shortly after appearing on the show.
Ofcom even stepped in to say they would be investigating the use of them on TV, saying: "We will be looking at lie detectors and other tools used by the production companies, as to whether…it’s fair treatment for vulnerable individuals."
There's been 'inside sources' that say show bosses have scrapped the challenge, although this hasn't officially been confirmed.
For all the latest gossip from the Villa, download and subscribe to the official Love Island: The Morning After podcast. Available on Global Player, the Love Island App or ask Alexa to play the 'Love Island Podcast'.