WATCH: Georgia Steel Fails Lie Detector When She Says She'll Be Faithful To Sam Bird
26 July 2018, 08:09
Georgia Steel and Sam Bird may have avoided the lie detector challenge in the Love Island Villa, but Roman Kemp took it upon himself to put them through the ordeal...
Georgia Steel and Sam Bird made a lucky escape when they left the Love Island Villa just days before Caroline Flack unleashed the lie detector on them.
Or, so they thought. Roman Kemp decided to hook the ever-so-loyal Georgia to a lie detector and grill her. You're welcome...
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This challenge usually makes or breaks couples in the ITV2 reality series, and it was no different when Roman and Vick Hope got professionally trained polygraph examiner in to grill G.
Sat opposite a rather sweaty Miss Steel, Sam found out that Georgia was lying about him being a better kisser than Sam Bird; that she actually wished she hadn't left the Villa for Sam, and that... She won't remain faithful to Sam.
Well, there's always a margin of error, guys. Even if it is, like, 2%.
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