Here's how Riverdale said goodbye to FP Jones and Skeet Ulrich
4 February 2021, 10:59

Riverdale reveals what happens to the characters after the 7 year time jump
Skeet Ulrich has left the building – but why did he leave and will he ever come back to Riverdale?
Well, it’s over. FP Jones has officially departed Riverdale and Skeet Ulrich has hung up that iconic leather Serpent jacket. For now, at least...
It was announced back in February 2020 that Ulrich would be exiting the show at the end of season 4. Due to COVID production delays, the end of season 4 ended up being the start of season 5 and here is where we find ourselves.
In this week’s episode (5x03), graduation has finally arrived in Riverdale. The teens are moving on and the parents are preparing to say goodbye. In FP's case, he's saying goodbye to Jughead, and the love of his life Alice. At the end of the episode, we see FP Jones hop on his motorbike with his daughter JB in tow, leaving the town he grew up in.
But why did he leave? Where is he going? And what was the reason? WHAT WAS THE REASON?! Here's your recap.
Why did Skeet Ulrich leave Riverdale?
In the previous episode (5x02), we find out that Little Miss Forsythia Jones a.k.a. Jellybean, was the one behind the creepy tapes this whole time. According to Jughead, her reason behind it was so that she could create a mystery that would keep him in Riverdale, and not lose out on the chance to finally spend time as a family.
Realising that JB probably needs both of her parents, FP makes the difficult decision to move out of Riverdale, away from his soulmate Alice, and take Jellybean back home to Toledo where he can raise her alongside her mother Gladys.
After watching Jughead and the rest of his class graduate, FP says an emotional goodbye to Alice in the parking lot. Alice asks "Is this it? The end of our story?" and FP replies, "God, I hope not." Understanding what he has to do, they kiss, and then she watches him leave as Betty and Jughead watch on next to her.
RECAP INTERMISSION: Please take as long as you need to rewatch an action replay of that goodbye kiss.
😘 #Falice
— Riverdale Writers Room (@RiverdaleWriter) February 4, 2021
As for the reason why Skeet decided to leave the show? In his statement, he said it was time for him "to move on to explore other creative opportunities." Then, when asked the same question by a fan during an Instagram live in 2020, he said: "I got bored creatively. How's that? The most honest answer."
But listen, here’s the good news. Show runner Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has said that FP Jones will not be killed off. The door has been left open for Skeet to return in a guest capacity (if he wants to), which means we could possibly see him back in town in the future. Here's hoping it's sooner rather than later.
Now please join me in pouring one out for Falice, and this one specific picture of FP wearing those god damn glasses.