Daenerys Targaryen ignoring the bells on Game of Thrones has inspired some incredible memes

13 May 2019, 12:59

Nicky Idika

By Nicky Idika

Tyrion Lannister asked Daenerys to stop when the bells rang but she and Drogon had other plans.

Season 8 episode 5 of Game of Thrones was a huge moment for fans of the series. It marked a final turn for Daenerys Targaryen as she went from breaker of chains to full on baddie. The episode, aptly titled "The Bells", took a dramatic turn when Daenerys ignored the clear signal that Cersei and her army had surrendered.

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Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, and the others watched stunned as Daenerys and Drogon destroyed the Red Keep–ignoring the bells, and murdering thousands of civilians in the process. This episode had Game of Thrones fans in their feelings and the memes about Dany ignoring the bells will have you laughing in between your panicked and confused screams.

Dany promised to stop her attack when the bell tolled but things didn't quite turn out that way.

At the beginning of the episode, Tyrion made Dany promise that she would stop her attack once the bells tolled. He even went to great lengths to execute his plan to stop the carnage. Tyrion would have been successful in sparing the residents of King's Landing had Dany heeded the bell's tolls.

People joked that Dany pretended not to hear the bells.

And that she was wearing ear pods...

And we can only imagine what Cersei was thinking once the bells rang and Drogon was still burning down the city.

And we KNOW how Jon felt watching Dany continue her killing spree.

"The bell does not dismiss you. I do" just sent me all the way back to high school.

The bell was shook.

Dany and Drogon had other ideas.

Season 8 episode 6 is the last ever episode of Game of Thrones and Dany ignoring the bells is clearly going to have huge implications as we head into the final episode. Game of Thrones is notoriously brutal, so anything could happen in the finale.

What did you guys think of episode 5, "The Bells"?