'13 Reasons Why' Fans Are Shipping Alex And Zach After THAT Scene In Season Two

21 May 2018, 16:12

13 Reasons Why Alex and Zach
Picture: Netflix
Woodrow Whyte

By Woodrow Whyte

"Alex Standall and Zach Dempsey are boyfriends and you can’t change my mind"

13 Reasons Why may have shaken us to our very core when the secret relationship between Hannah and Zach was revealed in season two, which dropped last friday (May 18th) but even that can't come close to the bromance/friendship/relationship/whatever the hell is going on between Alex and Zach.

In season two, Zach does everything he can to help Alex with his recovery after he shot himself in the head at the end of season one. On his first day back at school, Zach helps Alex out of his car and walks with him to class. He also helps Alex with his physical therapy sessions in the pool. Zach obviously feels a sense of guilt for what happened to Alex and wants to make amends, and it's hard to walk anyone from the new season thinking that Zach is anything other than an angel. We stan.

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But Alex is struggling, both physically and emotionally. He confides in Zach that his 'dick isn't working' since the incident. Even when he kissed Jessica, who he says he's in love with, Alex can't get it up.

One evening, Alex lashes out at Zach in the pool locker rooms and ends up fighting with Zach. It stops when Alex realises he's *finally* got a boner. Zach, sweetly but awkwardly, says it's fine and blames it on the physical interaction of the fight.



It doesn't stop there. Before the ball in the final episode, Zach helps Alex to learn to dance by placing his hands on his hips and swaying round Alex's bedroom.


It's incredibly sweet and adorable moment and now people are now shipping Alex and Zach together.

Ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, we present to you: Zalex.

Hannah and Jessica? Haven't heard those names in years.

them: so what are you into?


#20GayTeen strikes again.

We'll tolerate a third season of this show for a Alex and Zach romance storyline.

"Bromance" 😏

We need to talk about Alex's boner - a sentence I never thought I'd type but here we are.

Time to dust off your Wattpad accounts and get stuck into some steamy Zalex fanfic.

This is getting out of control.

We'll leave you with this.

Amen to that.