This Guy Matched With A Random Girl Whose Tinder Profile Pic Was Taken In HIS Bathroom

1 November 2016, 17:22 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Jenna Zagrodniczek Twitter Post

So we decided to get in touch with them and set this pair a hilarious challenge...

Swiping left and right has become a national pastime ever since Tinder launched in 2012, spawning millions of stories, dates and of course catastrophes.

However we don't think we've ever seen anything like Mark Kowalczyk's story before...

A Uni Student Matched With An Olympic Gold Medallist On Tinder But Ignored His Chat Up Attempts

The 19 year old student was going about his business on Tinder when all of a sudden he came across the lovely Jenna Zagrodniczek.

But it wasn't her sweet smile that caught the teen's was the fact her profile photo was taken in HIS bathroom!

So Will Manning decided to get in touch with the couple in question and set them a little challenge!

Find out how everything unfolded in the video below...

Let’s All Spare A Thought For Zac Efron Who Went On Tinder And Had No One Swipe Right

If these two aren't DM'ing right now then this is all a wasted opportunity...come on guys!

Tinder bathroom match

PIC: Twitter/@jenna_zeee

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