Capital's Sexiest Male & Female In Pop Have Been Revealed!
6 August 2017, 20:45 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

This year's competition was bigger (and sexier) than ever!
'Love Island' came and went... so to tide your thirst over for a bit, we thought it was time to kick off the hottest competition around... Capital's Sexiest Male & Female in Pop 2017!
Zayn Malik. Perrie Edwards. Harry Styles. Camila Cabello. They've all been crowned by YOU as Capital's Sexiest Male & Female In Pop for the past few years, with some pretty fierce competition. But if you thought that was tense, you ain't seen nothing yet...
We brought back the only vote that really mattered; and you voted in your hundreds of thousands for who you thought were the hottest stars in the pop universe!
You voted a record-spanking 620,000 times - and it's now time to reveal the sexiest males and females for 2017!
Speaking of sexy, could it GET any sexier than when Camila Cabello sang 'Despacito'? Probably not. No.