Pokemon Go Is Now Available In The UK - Here's How To Download It!
14 July 2016, 10:13 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

WARNING: This *may* take over your entire life...
Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll have noticed that a trend from the late '90s has made en epic comeback.
9 Celebrities Who Are Obsessed With Pokemon GO Just As Much As You Are
Yes, along with double denim, Pokemon has returned!
Download Pokemon Go For iPhone In The UK
Download Pokemon Go For Android In The UK
Your Facebook, Twitter and Insta feeds are probably full of your mates bragging about how many Pidgeys they've caught, or how they fell down some stairs chasing after a Pikachu - and now you CAN become the very best (like no one ever was) right now!
> WARNING: Pokemon Go WILL Cripple You Life - Here's 7 Reasons Why!
Whether you're on iPhone or Android, here's how to get Pokemon Go in the UK.
> WARNING: Pokemon Go WILL Cripple You Life - Here's 7 Reasons Why!
Pokemon Go UK Official Release Date
Pokemon Go was released in the UK on 14th July 2016.