You Can Dye Your Hair With Nutella... And The Results Are Incredible!
19 December 2016, 15:52 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

It's widely accepted that Nutella is the greatest invention of all time, ever. You can spread it on toast, dollop it on pancakes, and now, it turns out you can use it to dye your HAIR!
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Beauty blogger Huda Kattan shared a video of one salon using the holy grail of spreads to dye a woman's hair... and the result was actually pretty good!
Dubai based hair expert Abed, of Abed & Samer salon in Dubai, used a combination of Nutella and condensed milk to transform the woman's hair from a summery blonde to a very tasty looking hazel(nut).
According to Abel, the results can last up to three weeks and makes hair super shiny!
We would try this one out in the office... but for some reason all the jars we buy keep mysteriously disappearing...