The 11 Things To Watch On Netflix When You're Going Through A Break-Up
30 June 2017, 16:28 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Grab your TV remote - you're in for the long haul here.
Going through a break-up? Don’t worry babe, we’ve got your back.
Grab the Ben and Jerry’s and nestle in for a night (day) of self-pity and moping. It’s okay, it’s allowed.
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1. Legally Blonde
Get your sass back, girlfriend.
2. Gossip Girl
A break up is nothing Chuck and Blair can’t sort out.
3. Riverdale
A healthy dose of murder, lies, comedy and girl power, courtesy of Veronica Lodge.
4. The Vampire Diaries
When humans suck, fall in love with a vampire. Worked out alright for Bella and Elena.
5. Justin Timberlake + The Tennessee Kids
… because, Justin Timberlake.
6. Sherlock
Mainly because Martin Freeman restores your faith that there are good people in the world. And then also, it’s just so f’ing good.
7. The Big Bang Theory
No one is more unlucky with every form of relationship than a certain Sheldon Cooper. Find solace in his awkwardness… and just how great the show is in general.
8. Stranger Things
Go to another world and ignore real life. It doesn’t exist in the Upside Down, remember?
9. Orange Is The New Black
You might have a broken heart, but at least you’re not in an orange jumpsuit.
10. Breaking Bad
For when you want some seriously dark, sometimes funny, sometimes utterly heartbreaking viewing.
11. The Get Down
For when you have that urge to dance with your best friends. (We promise, it’ll happen eventually)
P.S. It’s not on Netflix but Sex And The City is the ultimate winner.
If any TV programme is going to teach you how to get through a break up, it’s Sex And The City. The girls suffer a number of break-ups and trust us, even your break-up won’t be as bad as the Post-It episode, shortly after Carrie was dumped by Berger.
(GIFs: Giphy)
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