QUIZ: Tell us your favourite songs of the decade and we'll guess your age

30 November 2019, 12:48

Nicky Idika

By Nicky Idika

Can guess your age based on the music you loved in the 2010s?

No matter your taste in music, you can't deny that the last decade has been a wild ride. Records have been smashed, groups have broken up and reformed, and some of our new favourite artists emerged this decade to bring us a ton of incredible tunes.

READ MORE: QUIZ: Only a true Billie Eilish fan can score 100% on this 2019 quiz

You can't always tell a lot about a person by their taste in music, but you can try. Based on your favourite songs of the last decade, we think we've got good odds of guessing your age or getting pretty damn close. Can we do it? Take the music quiz below and we'll guess how old you actually are.