How many people voted in 2020? The full US election voter turnout stats explained

5 November 2020, 11:23

Cardi B sums up US election night by smoking three cigarettes at once

Sam  Prance

By Sam Prance

A full breakdown of the Joe Biden and Donald Trump election voting statistics that we know so far.

Millions of Americans have just voted in the 2020 US election. How many people voted though and who did they voted for?

With the official US election results yet to be announced, it's unclear if Joe Biden or Donald Trump will be elected president. The results are currently swinging in Biden's favour. Associated Press reports that he has won 264 electoral votes out of the 270 that he needs. Meanwhile, Trump has so far won 214. That being said, there are still huge swing states being counted.

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However, what we do know right now is that it has already been confirmed that 2020 has seen the highest voter turnout of any US election ever. With that in mind, here's a breakdown of all the 2020 election voting statistics that we know so far.

How many people voted in the US election in 2020?

How many people voted in 2020? The full US election voter turnout stats explained
How many people voted in 2020? The full US election voter turnout stats explained. Picture: JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images, Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

As it stands, Associated Press claims that a huge total of 143,087,019 people have voted in the 2020 US election. However, mail-in votes are still being counted in many states and Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia are all still yet to announce who won in their states. The tallies in each state so far are extremely close so they could go to either candidate.

How many people voted for Joe Biden in 2020? Will he become president?

Associated Press reports that 72,110,951 have voted for Joe Biden this election. In doing so, Biden has now received more votes than any other presidential candidate in US election history. When the full voting numbers come in, this figure could rise close to 80,000,000.

However, winning the popular vote is not the same as winning the election as we saw with Hillary Clinton in 2016. To come out on top, Biden needs to receive more votes than Trump in any one of the remaining states in order to secure the amount of electoral college votes required. He is currently predicted to win Nevada.

How many people voted for Donald Trump in 2020? Could he still win?

Associated Press reports that 68,643,544 people have voted for Donald Trump this election. This is already over 6,000,000 more votes than he received in 2016. This number will likely head over 70,000,000 when the final voting numbers are in.

To win the election, Donald Trump would need to win all four of the remaining states so it looks unlikely for now. However, voting in Arizona, where Biden is projected to win, is still being counted, so nothing is concrete just yet.