Prepare To Sweat As You Try To Work Out Who To Snog, Marry And Avoid From These Halloween Hotties!

20 October 2017, 15:19 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Snog, Marry, Avoid Halloween Asset

This is both a trick AND a treat.

Why is that when we dress up for Halloween, we look gross? And yet some people - even if they rock up as a decaying zombie - still look peng. How is that even fair?

That's why we've collected some of our favourite celebrity looks from last year's #MonsterMashUp, and all you've gotta decide is which of them is worthy of a snog, which gets a ring, and which is just too damn spooky.

> QUIZ: Are You More Little Mix's Perrie Edwards Or Pennywise From 'It'?

(We're sorta sorry for pitting Roman Kemp and Will Manning against each other, but we're also hella hyped for the results.)

> There's Nothing Spooky About Our Flash Little App, Right Here!

Good luck making it through these terrifying jump scares without absolutely creasing...