16 Emojis That Look TOTALLY Different On Other Phones - And Why They Could Make Things Hella Awkward!

12 April 2016, 13:35 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Emoji Meanings


It's pretty safe to say that at least half the world is officially bilingual - as we're declaring that emoji is an actual language (because we say so!).

But be warned before you start boasting about your new found language skills - because some emojis look different depending on what phone you're using!

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Instead of writing an essay about the water cycle, osmosis or the works of Shakespeare, some boffins at GroupLens have studied what people think emojis actually mean based on their device - and things could be getting hella awkward!

We know that anything more than 140 character ain't worth reading, so we'll summarise... You know that awkward/cringey emoji  on an iPhone? That's actually a HAPPY face  on an Android!

Mind. Blown.

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But it's not just that grinning face that looks strange on other phones, here's a list of all the emojis that look TOTALLY different and could change the meaning of your conversations entirely!


 iPhone: "Well, this is awkward"  Samsung: "Well, hello there, gorgeous..."
 iPhone: A cool guy wearing shades, obvs.  Windows: Hang on, is that Pitbull?!
 iPhone: "That's the most shocking thing EVER!"  Samsung: "The Dark Lord is coming, HIDE!!"
 iPhone"Pucker up, bae!"  Windows: "Come and give Auntie Maureen a kiss!"
 iPhone: "Yaaaaaas!"  Samsung: "Pick me up, mummy!"
 iPhone: "Just a cheeky kiss... #PlayingItCool"  Windows: "Auntie Maureen's still waiting for her kiss!"
iPhone: "#Sass"   HTC: "Checkout number 3, please."
 iPhone: "Twinsies!"  Samsung: I'm a mouse rabbit, duh!"
 iPhone: "#Fierce"  Windows: "Got my nails did"
 iPhone: "I'm so pumped, bruh!"  Samsung: "Do you even lift, bruh?"
 iPhone: "I'm really in the mood for a banana..." HTC: "Here, have a whole bunch!" 
 iPhone: "I'm SO angry rn!"  Windows: "...and the dog dies at the end! *cries*"
iPhone: "But she can't be 'A', she's dead! *faints*" Windows: "I can, like, taste colours, y'know?" 
iPhone: "Heeey, Macarena!" Samsung: "Soulja boy, I tell 'em!" 
 iPhone: "Hey, send me a Snapchat"  Windows: "I've run out of credit, can you call me?"
iPhone: "Aww a cute little fox!" Android: "Holy crap a wolf! Run!!" 

BONUS: Snapchat Emoji Codes Revealed: Find Out What All Those Secret Symbols Really Mean

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