Coronavirus UK Latest: Government To Pay 80 Per Cent Of Wages For Employees Not Working & Pubs, Bars, And Restaurants To Close

20 March 2020, 17:38 | Updated: 20 March 2020, 17:56

The government have announced new measures in a bid to soften the blow to the economy amid the coronavirus outbreak
The government have announced new measures in a bid to soften the blow to the economy amid the coronavirus outbreak. Picture: Getty

Boris Johnson and the UK government have announced the latest in a series of measures in a bid to slow down the coronavirus pandemic.

The government announced today they will pay 80 per cent of wages for employees not working on those who earn up to £2,500 a month. The Prime Minister also announced pubs, bars, and restaurants must close from midnight tonight.

Employers will be able to get grants covering 80 percent of their salaries, for those who find themselves out of work.

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Organisations will be able to apply for a grant from HMRC to cover the wages of those who are not working, but haven’t been laid off.

Boris Johnson Holds Daily Coronavirus Briefing
Boris Johnson Holds Daily Coronavirus Briefing. Picture: Getty

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak explained workers across the country should now be able to keep their jobs, even if their bosses can’t afford to pay their wages.

Calling it “unprecedented measures for unprecedented times”, Sunak announced a string of measurements to try and soften the economic blow the nation faces over the next few months.

Titled the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, the chancellor announced the government will step in to pay wages in a bid to save thousands of jobs, as well as businesses, families, and individuals.

He urged: “People listening must realise they will not face this alone, but it will take a collective national effort.”

Meanwhile, Boris Johnson said he is “confident” the UK economy will bounce back later in the year.

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