17 Ways To GUARANTEE You’ll Steal The Limelight With Your Awards Show Acceptance Speech! #MicDrop

17 February 2016, 15:01 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Awards Show Acceptance Speeches

It's not as easy as it looks and has certainly been done wrong a lot of times over the years.

We're well into the awards show season right now and as always the speeches can be a mixed bag of hilarity, tears and that age-old issue of not knowing when to stop.

Now everything's starting to gear up towards the BRIT Awards, the Oscars and beyond so we're taking a close look at that all-important moment - the acceptance speech and how to get it right!

It's been the ruin of MANY a superstar, and catapulted others into new dizzying heights of popularity. So how do you pull it off?


If you have something important to say... this is the time to do it!

Pretty much EVERYONE was waiting to see what Taylor Swift could say about some of the controversial song lyrics about her on Kanye West's latest album, and Ms. Swift picked her acceptance speech for Album Of The Year at the Grammy Awards 2016 to do it.

You have to see it for yourselves... but Taylor basically #owned at life:


Perfect the humble hand clap for when your name isn't called because when that camera comes round, you don't want to be looking peeved


And of course if you do win... ALWAYS act surprised!


Take your time getting up to that stage as well, no more of this please…


Always give the person who presents the prize a big hug and a kiss, don't be a Bono…


Right, you're there and the mic is in front of you. Rule number one... always thank your parents!



Enthusiasm is key!


If you're humble, and adorable… the crowd will LOVE it!

See this endearing banter between Rihanna and Jay-Z from the 2008 Grammys for reference...


Remember… even Beyonce gets nervous picking up her gongs!


It doesn't matter if you're shy… if the people love you they'll STILL cheer you on!


Please, please, please...keep it short!


Make sure you know exactly what you are winning and don't make up awards that don't exist...


DON'T crash the stage with your opinion of who should have won - it will haunt you for years to come!


 If you're presenting... behave!


If you get cut short - let 'em have it!


Don't try this at home...


If all else fails, chuck the award in the crowd! #WhyNot


Good luck!


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