Awks! This Teacher's Been Sacked After A Video Of Her Twerking Hard On Holiday Has Gone Viral
11 April 2016, 11:27 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10
Let this be a lesson to us all next time we're wondering whether to post THAT picture from the weekend...
Miss Clarissa, a 24 yr old teacher from Mexico has faced the chop from her school after a video of her participating in a twerking competition whilst on an Easter break was spotted by parents and has subsequently racked up a LOT of views.
Taking place in Cabo San Lucas, a 15hr drive from her school Carla can be seen grinding and twerking on stage, competing for a $260 cash prize. (If it makes any difference her moves won her the dosh.)
(Warning: 18+ content)
She's defended herself to the local newspapers saying, "I knew there were mobile phones but I never imagined this would go viral and anyway, I'm not doing anything bad. It's not something to be afraid of, I'm not naked, I'm not having sex or taking drugs or disrespecting anyone."
Miss Clarissa has received overwhelming support on social media sites today.
Viviana Garcia wrote on Facebook: 'They've gone too far. The teacher's personal life is her own business. It would be different if she didn't do her job properly. I'd sue the school and with what I earn from winning the lawsuit, I'd take myself off on another holiday and dance even more sexily.'
Nearly 150 people had signed a petition calling for Miss Clarissa to be given her job back.