'Love Island' Received Tonnes Of Complaints For One Thing (And It's Not That Late Night Raunchiness!)
6 July 2017, 08:26 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

Tbf, it's still the best show on telly.
We long for those moments in 'Love Island' where Kem and Amber sprint off to the bog and try to have a cheeky snog next to the stacked up loo roll.
And while some people aren't keen on that, it's not their biggest concern, after dozens wrote to ITV2 complaining about a different matter.
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Pic: ITV2
Forget what happens under the sheets - what's really riled Great Britain is the Islanders smoking habits. Recently, nearly half of the complaints reported to the broadcasting regulators were about the guys and gals' smoking.
24 complaints have been made about their smoking, whereas 15 - nearly half - were about what the guys got up to in the bedroom, but a spokesperson from the show has since said that they will include footage of them smoking, as long as it's "important to the narrative" of the show.
This isn't, however, the first lot of complaints the show's received; it has been ripped apart by the previous series' contestants, including Rykard and Sophie.
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Who are we trying to kid, though? It's the best TV show ever invented and NOTHING the Islanders could do will make us change our minds.
Do you need even more 'Love Island' drama in your life? Let's just remind ourselves of when Chloe's ex celebrated her getting booted off of the island...