The "today's tea" meme is hilarious and best served piping hot
11 February 2019, 17:35
People are spilling the tea in meme form and it's getting extremely messy.
We know a good meme when we see one and lately the meme Gods have been coming through. Whether it's Katie Price's This Morning rant, the "thank u, next" memes or, Aladdin memes, they've just kept on coming. Now it's time to add something new to the best memes of 2019 – the today's tea meme.
The meme is pretty simple. People just use a template of dashes and bracelets to create a giant steaming mug of tea and inside is the bare-faced truth. From why your tragic dating life is failing, to your secret music tastes, be warned, this meme might sting you to the core.
Welp, want the truth? Well, here it is…
The meme certainly doesn't hold back.
today’s tea:
— ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (@pooleejones) February 10, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ you aren’t actually /
\ mature for your / |
\ age, he is /____|
\ just a /
\ pedophile /
Or sugarcoat anything.
Today’s tea:
— crackboi (@YeetMeSoftly) February 9, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ If she didn’t /
\ ask to see / |
\ your dick she /____|
\ probably does/
\ not want to /
\___________ /
But it can be triggering.
Today’s tea:
— ~ (@Asad_z21) February 8, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ you all know sushi /
\ is disgusting / |
\ you just wanna /____|
\ look EdGY or /
\ cOoOoL /
Wig, snatched.
Today’s tea:
— Tinder District (@tinderdistrict) February 9, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ block his /
\ number / |
\ and /____|
\ move on / /
\___________ /
Well, that told us.
Today’s tea:
— Bailey Ducommun (@bailey_ducommun) February 9, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ there’s no /
\ such / |
\ thing as /____|
\ fat burning /
\ coffee /
\___________ /
Today’s tea:
— Bri My Valentine (pls) (@BPtheGasStation) February 7, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ You don’t hate /
\ Nickelback / |
\ you’re just /____|
\ just a /
\ follower /
Today’s tea:
— Neal Carter (@nealcarter) February 9, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ Anti vaxxers hate disabled kids /
\ more than vaccines. /
\ /
Ain't that the truth.
Today’s tea:
— Makaila (@spazful) February 8, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ ur not sensitive /
\ he’s just a / |
\ fucking dick /____|
\ to you /
\ /
Drag them!
today’s tea:
— yos (@YossoMyBosso) February 10, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ being religious / |
\ doesnt / |
\ mean you're /____|
\ a better /
\ person /
No lies detected.
Today’s tea:
— thomasssss (@hufffffffff) February 9, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
\ /
\ Earl Grey / |
\ /____|
\ /
A message.
Today's tea:
— Jay Shelat (@jshelat1) February 7, 2019
( ) )
\ Grad students /_
\ should be / |
\ paid livable /___|
\ wages for /
\ their hard /
\_ work _/
So true.
Today’s tea:
— paula // i stan so much stuff (@purple_url) February 9, 2019
) ) )
) ( ) )
_(___(____)____(___(__ _
\ bisexuals and /
\ pansexuals / |
\ are fucking /____|
\ valid yall are /
\ just mean /
Ah, the internet remains undefeated.