All the best memes and reactions from Donald Trump and Joe Biden’s presidential debate
30 September 2020, 15:20

Will you shut up, man?': Biden snaps at Trump during major debate
"The time has come to Simp for Joe Biden"
With less than 5 weeks left until arguably the most important election in modern American history, Donald Trump and Joe Biden took to the stage for their first presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio last night (Sept 29). And, continuing the overriding theme of this year, it was a total shit show.
You’d think that denouncing racism and white supremacy would be an easy thing for a politician to do in 2020 but Trump’s refusal to do so in explicit terms was a sad, if unsurprising, talking point from the night. When given the chance by moderator and Fox News anchor Chris Wallace to condemn white supremacy, Trump initially said he would but then sidestepped, preferring to take a swipe at “antifa and the left" instead.
Never one to miss out an opportunity to be the absolute worst, Trump also brought up Biden’s son, Hunter, who was who was discharged from the navy in 2014 for taking cocaine. Biden’s response provided some much-needed humanity back into the debate: "My son, like a lot of people, like a lot of people you know at home, had a drug problem. He's overtaken it. He's fixed it. He's worked on it and I'm proud of him” he said.
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The president spent the rest of the night frequently interrupting his opponent, causing Biden to snap back “Will you shut up, man?” And, quicker than a YouTuber trying to monetise a viral moment, Biden's team released merch with his new catchphrase on it. Those Facebook Ads aren’t going to pay for themselves, henny!
The reaction online has been mostly one of despair and disbelief, with tweets and memes nailing the gallows humour most people felt they needed to get through it. Here are some of the best reactions below.
The squabbling nature of the debate did not go unnoticed by the audience.
turns out three men talking at the same time is my least favorite sound
— caroline doyle (@cd0yl3) September 30, 2020
this is like watching a tiktok duet from hell
— Madison Malone Kircher (@4evrmalone) September 30, 2020
Trump has never let anyone finish first that's for damn sure.
— Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) September 30, 2020
Moderator: Stop interrupting Biden!
— bye. (@x_tvphr) September 30, 2020
The 2020 Presidential debates:
— Joey Nolfi (@joeynolfi) September 30, 2020
You know Trump be on Twitter too much he argue just like a stan account
— Trevor Norris (@trevor_norris0) September 30, 2020
History books in the future:
— 𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓪𝔂𝓪 (@sumayuh1) September 30, 2020
This debate feels like watching Uncut Gems
— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) September 30, 2020
Points were made.
Men are too emotional to be president.
— Jill Filipovic (@JillFilipovic) September 30, 2020
This is like The View but for men. #Debates2020
— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) September 30, 2020
— kayla madison (@kaymadisons) September 30, 2020
Gosh, if only there was some way to make a microphone quieter when another person was speaking...
We HAVE the technology to mute a microphone. That is something that we have.
— Crawford M Horton (@broiledcrawfish) September 30, 2020
It was all getting too much for some.
I do not have enough wine in the house to get me through this shitshow
— Andy Cohen (@Andy) September 30, 2020
Viewers were drawing parallels between Trump vs Biden and other notable debates of historical significance.
still a better debate than tonight’s #Debates2020
— shoe (@shoe0nhead) September 30, 2020
President debate is gonna go like this tonight
— jay (@jackieburkhartu) September 29, 2020
Trump & Biden during this entire debate
— Drebae (@Drebae_) September 30, 2020
In this house we simp for Biden.
The time has come to Simp for Joe Biden. We can drag him once he’s in the White House but until Inauguration Dat’s Bae
— The Vixen (@TheVixensworld) September 30, 2020
You said it, not us.
That debate was the worst thing I've ever seen & I was in The Star Wars Holiday Special.
— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) September 30, 2020
That was the worst thing I’ve ever seen, and I wrote FANTASTIC FOUR.
— Jeremy Slater (@jerslater) September 30, 2020
Facts are facts, America.
he said "how do you feel about black people" trump said "i love the police"
— giabuchi lastrassi (@jaboukie) September 30, 2020
American Presidential Debates be like " Do Black people matter? you have two minutes."
— 𝕽✘𝖇𝖇i (@R0BB1_3) September 30, 2020
three white men talking about the african american community i love it
— ziwe (@ziwe) September 30, 2020
Good luck to them both!
I’m not really into politics but my hat is off to anyone brave enough to run for President. Seems like Biden & Trump both want what’s best for the country, they just have different ideas about how to get there. Excited to learn more at tonight’s #debate. 🇺🇸
— rob delaney (@robdelaney) September 29, 2020
Only 33 days to go, folks!