QUIZ: Only a meme expert can pass this 2019 quiz with 83% or more

27 November 2019, 17:59

QUIZ: Only a meme expert can pass this 2019 quiz with 83% or more
QUIZ: Only a meme expert can pass this 2019 quiz with 83% or more. Picture: Vanity Fair via YouTube, E!
Sam  Prance

By Sam Prance

It's time to find out how well you really know your memes from 2019.

2019 is almost over and it's been a rollercoaster but one thing we can all agree on is how excellent the memes have been.

Practically, every week someone transforms a bizarre quote or hilarious interview segment into comedy gold. The amount of times SpongeBob alone has been immortalised in meme form is legendary.

READ MORE: The best memes of 2019

And, thankfully, 2019 has delivered flawlessly on the meme front. With that in mind, we've put together a serious quiz to test your meme knowledge this year. Ok boomer, let's go!