People are dragging this UK government career quiz but how accurate is it for you?

7 October 2020, 17:47

This UK government career test will tell you exactly which job you should do
This UK government career test will tell you exactly which job you should do. Picture: NBC,
Sam  Prance

By Sam Prance

Following Rishi Sunak's controversial job comments, the UK government has set up a new career test.

The UK Government is being called out after launching a new career test which tells you exactly which job you should have.

Yesterday (Oct 6), Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak faced huge backlash after suggesting that musicians, artists and actors should find new forms of employment. He said: "I can't pretend that everyone can do exactly the same job that they were doing at the beginning of this crisis. That's why we've put a lot of resource into trying to create new opportunities."

READ MORE: This detailed personality test tells you which fictional character you're most like

While it's unclear exactly what these new opportunities are, there is now a government test which gives you career advice.

Where can I take the UK Government career test? Take it below.

This UK government career test will tell you exactly which job you should do
This UK government career test will tell you exactly which job you should do. Picture:, Channel 9 Australia

The test itself takes about five minutes to complete and it gives you a list of broad statements and you have to say that you either strongly agree, agree, it depends, disagree or strongly disagree with them. Once you've finished the test, it then gives you examples of areas you should work in, such as travel and tourism, teaching and education and science and research.

You can then answer more questions to be given specific jobs. For example, the travel and tourism section includes jobs like resort representative, hotel porter and museum assistant. The test also tells you the average salary for the jobs that it recommends, as well as how many hours you'd roughly be expected to work each week.


It's safe to say that people are unimpressed with the results. People are calling out the quiz for suggesting jobs that would take them years to qualify for and not even asking what people's personal interests are. Not to mention, many of the jobs it suggests are ones that people are currently unable to do as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

One person wrote: "It advised me to undertake 13 years of training in order to secure a job (Psychiatrist) which it describes as having a starting salary of 24k."

Another added: "I am a strategic communications professional but the government's skills test website has recommended 'fish frier' in a fish and chip shop as one of my top career choices that match my skills and interests and lads - I've never felt more seen."

What job did the test advise you to do?