These Are The Tips And Advice Anyone Heading Down To The #CapitalJBB Is Gonna Need To Know
8 December 2017, 10:34 | Updated: 8 December 2017, 15:44
You can thank us later...
Some of you would have been to umpteen gazillion of our Balls before. Some of you will be heading down to the #CapitalJBB for the very first time this year.
But whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, you can always do with a few more tips and tricks for making the most of Capital's Jingle Bell Ball with Coca-Cola.
> Check Out Everything You Need To Know About The #CapitalJBB Right Here!
Tip #1: Make Sure You Get There With Plenty Of Time To Spare
There's going to be a queue. There's going to be bag-checks. There's going to be a fair few steps to climb. You don't want to leave it 'til the last minute and miss your favourite star, do you?
So make sure you leave with plenty of time; you'll have time to chill and get yourself hyped to throw some serious shapes.
Tip #2: Charge Your Phone, And Make Sure There's Plenty Of Space
You've surely read the line-up a thousand times over, but we'll just list a few names; you'll be seeing Taylor Swift, Sam Smith, Rita Ora and Ed Sheeran. So you're going to want to take tonnes of photos and videos.
Make sure you've got enough room to take them, because nothing will be more embarrassing than gloating to your mates without any snaps.
Tip #3: Pack Your Bag Sensibly
We know you want to take anything and everything with you, but The O2 has a few rules you need to stick by if you're going to find yourself making moves to Dua Lipa and Liam Payne.
During the bag checks, you'll be searched for food and drinks, which you won't - unfortunately - be able to be able to take in The O2 with you. Don't worry - there's lush food and drink you can get once your inside.
Tip #4: Stick With Your Squad
The O2 can hold over 20,000 of you lot, and over 20,000 of you lot will be rocking up to the #CapitalJBB on each night. In a word, it's gonna be BUSY.
So after the final acts done, a lot of you will be making your way to taxis and trains all ready to get home after the biggest party of winter. Make sure you remain with your mates and family, so you don't get lost. No matter how much you want James Arthur to find you and look after you.
Tip 5: Have The Best Night Of Your Life
Well, duh.