Birmingham Top For Pothole Fixing
18 January 2019, 09:13 | Updated: 18 January 2019, 09:21
Birmingham and Walsall have some of the fastest response times for fixing the most severe potholes in the country.
The most common response time is two hours, with 79 local authorities looking to patch up their roads within this period.
But the two councils in our region get to the problem within an hour.
These are the councils with the slowest response times to serious potholes:
Five days: Coventry
72 hours: Leicestershire
48 hours: Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
36 hours: Bournemouth
The figures are based on data provided by 190 of the 207 local highway authorities in Britain.
RAC Foundation director Steve Gooding said: "It is understandable that large rural authorities set themselves longer response times, simply
as a result of having to travel further to effect repairs, but motorists might still be surprised to see such a wide variation across the country.
"Those particularly vulnerable to potholes - cyclists and motorcyclists - might ask whether the speed of pothole investigation should be
based solely on the risk to users."