Newman University
Newman University's mission is centred on the Catholic values of tolerance and inclusion. As a Catholic University, Newman is proud to welcome staff and students of all religions and backgrounds.
Their Catholic ethos means that:
They proudly stand in the tradition of Catholic education that values the process of respectful dialogue as a means of reaching new knowledge through teaching, scholarship and research
They aim to respect and encourage the individual integrity of everyone who is a part of the life of the University
They will strive to be an inclusive community which emphasises the Christian practice of hospitality, cherishing the diverse traditions represented at Newman University
They are committed to promoting the Christian virtue of justice in their neighbouring community, nationally and internationally, and to seeking external partners that support this vision
They place worship and reflection at the spiritual centre of their life and work
They work to foster a sense of vocation in students and staff, so that they are able to take responsibility for the flourishing of their world
Newman University - Expect to achieve
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Newman has an excellent record for the quality of its courses and historically has one of the best graduate employment rates of UK colleges and universities.
In recent years very positive inspection reports have been received from the QAA and OFSTED, including an 'outstanding' grade, the highest possible, for its latest inspection for Employment Based Initial Teacher Training (Graduate Teacher Programme).