18 HILARIOUS GIFs Of The Vamps Boys
11 June 2014, 12:20
With just days to go before the boys hit that Wembley stage for the Summertime Ball 2014, check out these MUST-SEE GIFs of Brad, James, Tristan and Connor in action.
The Vamps are one of the most talked about artists of 2014 so far thanks to a string of hit singles like 'Can We Dance' and 'Last Night', their debut album 'Meet The Vamps' AND the fact they're playing the Capital Summertime Ball 2014 with Vodafone.
To celebrate the band making their Summertime Ball debut on 21st June, check out these INCREDIBLY funny GIFs of the boys doing what they do best... entertaining their fans!
Literal PROOF that Bradley really DOES have the 'Moves Like Jagger'... look out Adam!
We can't get enough of Brad's #SexyDance!
Who knew James was such a pro at martial arts?! Hey-aaah!
Of course that's nothing next to Tristan's VERY elegant ballet skills..
So... you come here often? #Wink
Something tells us Tristan's feeling a TAD peckish?
Bradley gives us his BEST sexy face! Would it work on you?!
Oh Connor... let the poor boy sleep!
"Everyday they're shuffling..."
The Vamps gone WILD!!
We reckon Tristan's taking their 'Wild Heart' song title a little literally! #LoveIt
One thing's for sure... James McVey REALLY knows how to make an entrance!
Don't look at me... I'm shy!!
The most seductive way of eating pizza we've EVER seen...
Aww.. poor Connor needs study buddy! Any volunteers?
PERFECTLY in sync!