A Girl Has Managed To Clone Taylor Swift... And Here's The Photo Evidence!
25 January 2016, 10:42

Ok, so if the last decade has taught us anything, it's that Taylor Swift is practically perfection on (very long) legs...
...so it's no surprise that someone would want to clone her - and judging by this girl's Instagram account, it's ACTUALLY happened!
Meet 21-year-old Keitra Jane - the girl who's taken the Internet by storm for looking just like Taylor!
Keitra, from Salt Lake City, Utah, recently shot to fame after starring in a music video as a Taylor Swift doppelgänger - but it ended up with a little 'Bad Blood' from online trolls.
After being called a "fatter Taylor Swift" by a YouTube commenter, the look-alike used her new-found Instafame for good - by sticking it to the bullies and sticking up for those who've struggled with eating disorders - JUST like Taylor would!
Aside from being a total badass and sticking it to the haters, we've found even more evidence that she's a total carbon copy of Ms Swift.
She loves cats? Oh yeah!
She's a master baker? Check.
Scratch that... her whole SQUAD?
And let's be honest... she looks JUST LIKE T.S.!
Now, one last question...