Lady Gaga "Nipped" By Exotic Slow Loris During 'G.U.Y' Music Video Shoot?
18 February 2014, 12:23 | Updated: 18 February 2014, 12:24
The 'Venus' star is facing mounting rumours of an incident with an exotic primate during the shoot.
Lady Gaga was reportedly bitten by a Slow Loris while filming her music video for rumoured new single 'G.U.Y'.
The 'You & I' singer was allegedly on set at California Castle for a three-day shoot for the video, when the incident happened with the adorable primate, a native of South-East Asia.
"The slow loris is the cutest creature on the planet and Lady Gaga wanted to use it in one scene but it nipped her," a source told New York Post's Page Six. "She just laughed about it, she was a good sport."
Twitter exploded with comments after news of the alleged biting broke, although Gaga herself has yet to confirm whether the incident was just hearsay.
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW LADY GAGA GOT BITTEN BY A SLOW LORIS, theyre so cute n slow n slothy n loving
— Maddie White (@madeleinecwhite) February 17, 2014
Lady Gaga is believed to be prepping 'G.U.Y' as her next 'ARTPOP' single after 'Do What U Want'.
See a popular YouTube video of an exotic slow loris in action below: