This Theory Says Kanye West Is Tricking Us All With His Extreme Performance Art
4 May 2018, 11:27

A theory has emerged that pieces together clues from Kanye's tweets that show he is in the middle of a very intense performance art piece and this isn't the real him...
The latest theory surrounding Kanye West's crazy behaviour which saw him refer to slavery as a 'choice' suggests he is tricking us all and currently in the middle of a Shia Leboeuf style performance art piece.
This Plastic Surgeon Hits Back At Kanye West For Associating Him With His Mother's Death
One savvy Twitter user @Snowcone965 has looked over both his and a close friend's tweets, read between the lines and come to the conclusion his pro-Trump TMZ-storming current self is actually just a character he is playing.
Get your tinfoil hats and red string, I’ve got a conspiracy theory: @kanyewest is in the middle of a performance art piece and the clues are right in front of us. A thread:
— Snowcone (@Snowcone965) May 2, 2018
5. So let’s start with the first two images involving David Hammons. After Kanye tweeted these images, Tremaine quote tweeted them with this emoji: ♠️. I believe this is referring to Hammons work which aimed to “turn racist cliches (spade) on its head.”
— Snowcone (@Snowcone965) May 2, 2018
7. The purpose of this performance with a coyote, “a wild spirit - often thought of as America’s untamed spirit” was to hopefully make the coyote “tolerant and accepting through Beuys’ desire to heal.”
— Snowcone (@Snowcone965) May 2, 201810. To me, there are two clues that are most important. The first one is this tweet from Kanye. This picture, posted six days after the others, again shows Beuys, Hammons, and now introduces what appears to be a drawing of Andy Kaufman.
— Snowcone (@Snowcone965) May 2, 2018
His mood board references the famous performance artist Andy Kauffman- who played a variety of characters on and off stage and would never break character. His friend, Tremaine Emory has tweeted this images along with juggling emoji's, dropping clues the whole thing is a performance that will have an ending like a magic trick. But will people be willing to forgive him after some of the stuff he's said?
Shia Leboeuf recently said Kanye West took every piece of clothing he owned and has done some wild performance pieces himself - from sitting silently with a paper bag on his head in an art gallery to occupying an Oxford University lift for 24 hours. Are we finally seeing the dots connect, or is this just Kanye being Kanye?
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