So Kim Kardashian & Amber Rose WERE Burying The Hatchet With Those Selfies After #BootyGate
3 February 2016, 08:54

It's the latest thing we expected to see, but apparently this pair have sorted everything out now!
The Internet pretty much imploded last week after Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose shared a surprise selfie together on Monday - and rumour has it the pair have now finally sorted out their differences!
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Everyone was shocked when the two posted their pic this week - particularly in the wake of Amber Rose and Kim’s husband Kanye West’s Twitter spat last week, but apparently the ladies met up at Kris Jenner’s house to hash things out.
TMZ reports that Kim and Amber talked for ages and completely buried the hatchet to make sure they have a clean slate going forward.
Had to make some tea before answering a #StupidEMail : Like kermit the frog sipping some lipton #KermitTheFrog
— Cindy (@TrulescentCindy) November 17, 2015
The meet-up happened just days after Amber’s shocking revelations about what she used to do with Kanye West in the bedroom. Awk. Kim posted the snap below while Amber captioned hers ‘Swingers’ with a frog and tea cup emoji depicting that famous shade meme starring Kermit the frog.
Yep, Kim and Amber teamed up to throw some EPIC shade together… though we are slightly confused as to who it was actually aimed at - but the internet OBVIOUSLY exploded at the sight that Kim and Amber had been hanging out together given the events of last week.
After Kanye exploded into a rant at Amber’s baby daddy Wiz Khalifa, Amber responded by revealing that she used to put her fingers in places they shouldn’t go during her time with Kanye… which he then took to Twitter to deny had ever happened.
Awww @kanyewest are u mad I'm not around to play in ur asshole anymore? #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch☝
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) January 27, 2016
I’m not into that kind of shit… I like pictures and videos Me and my wife got the kind of love that can turn exes into best friends
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) January 29, 2016
Well, we would have paid a LOT of money to be a fly on the wall while Kim and Amber enjoyed a spot of 'tea' together - can you IMAGINE what they talked about?!