WATCH: Jonas Blue Gives Our #CapitalSTB Crew A Haircut From Hell!
9 June 2018, 21:11 | Updated: 11 June 2018, 21:15
NOTE: If you leave Jonas Blue and a razor alone, he will go loose on your hair and give you a dreadful new 'do.
Jonas Blue is a legend when it comes to making and producing music. Just don't ask him to give you a quick trim.
Backstage at the #CapitalSTB, Roman Kemp thought it would be wise to rinse Jonas Blue, as a lot of our listeners thought he looked more like a fancy barber than a DJ...
> These Brazilian School Kids Are Using Jonas Blue To Learn English
However, if you ask InstaDan, he'll tell you that this was a bad idea.
Roman Kemp let Jonas loose on his social media guy's hair, and what started off as a nice short back-and-sides soon escalated.
Before you know it, Jonas was carving a huge chunk out of InstaDan's hair, in a trend he called 'The Shoreditch'. Nah, Jonas. We just don't think this will catch on.
> Jonas Blue's Taking To The #CapitalSTB Stage, So Grab Our App And Catch His Set!