"We Hooked Up" - Chrissy Teigen Reveals What She & John Got Up To The First Day They Met

This is so LOLs.
Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are basically the definition of #CoupleGoals, no?
But long before she was defending him on Twitter and being the muse for his absolute belters of songs, Chrissy and John’s first encounter wasn’t actually that romantic.
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The 2007, Chrissy was a 21 year old model and appeared in John’s video for “Stereo” and it seems that he instantly made an impression on young Chrissy.
“I walked into John’s dressing room to meet him, and he was ironing in his underwear. I said, 'You do your own ironing?’ He said, 'Of course I do'. I gave him a hug.”
After that, it seems that things got pretty steamy pretty quickly.
The video is one thing, but it seems that Chrissy went back to John’s hotel room, ate In-N-Out burgers and, in her words, “I’m not going to lie. We hooked up” but this was only shortly before John headed off on tour in Europe.
John’s version of events were far more chilled.
“I wasn’t like, ‘This is the woman I’m going to marry’ from day one. I’m the kind of person who needs to grow into that feeling. I was probably a couple of years in when I could already see us being together forever”, he revealed.
The couple stayed in touch and talked on the phone, although Chrissy attempted to play the ‘hard to get’ card. She later revealed that “I was pretending that I didn’t really care, but I wasn’t with anybody else”.
So, looks like Chrissy and John’s fairytale relationship started out in a totally relatable way.