This Fan Just Tweeted Calvin Harris About A 5 Year Old Pact He Made With The DJ & It NEEDS To Happen
8 December 2017, 18:15 | Updated: 8 December 2017, 18:19

The best thing ever to come back and haunt you.
We've all made pacts in our lives. Whether they're with your BFF to NEVER date that guy you both fancy or to always go on that epic girls holiday each year, they are oaths you can never break.
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Well, the most epic of pacts has arisen today after a fan of Calvin Harris tweeted the superstar DJ with a one-of-a-kind message:
Hi @CalvinHarris
— Filip Odzak (@FILIP_WithAnF) December 7, 2017
YES! If what Filip says is true (it just has to be right?!) back in 2012, Calvin Harris promised the clubber that the day gay rights is passed as legal in Australia he'd bash out a BIG remix of Spice Girls' '2 Become 1'.
Filip explained, "During your appearance at Marquee in Sydney, while hanging backstage in the library bar, we made a deal - sealed with a handshake - that you would remix the Spice Girls' '2 Become 1' when marriage equality was finally legalised in Australia."
Adding, "Well, it just happened today. For five years I've been waiting for this! I'm very excited to hear what you do with the track to celebrate the occasion."
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Calvin hasn't responded yet but it's surely only a matter of time right?! Who would seriously say no to a dance remix to a Spice Girls classic?!
The love is everywhere right now... just ask Harry Styles...