Anne-Marie Has Lost Her Passport & Live Tweeted The Whole Hilarious Ordeal

12 January 2017, 15:54 | Updated: 4 December 2018, 16:14

Anne Marie

She’s even appealed to Drew Barrymore to borrow her documents…

There’s nothing worse than that moment of sheer panic when you’re about to travel… and you realise you can’t find your passport. Well, Anne-Marie just did exactly that… and live tweeted the whole debacle! 

Anne-Marie Has Dished The Dirt On Celebrity Wild Boys... And It Doesn't Look Good For Bieber!

Anne managed to lose her passport the night before she needed to fly to Holland for a gig. But how did she manage to lose it, you ask? 

Well, she put it in her pillowcase (as you do?) for safe keeping in a hotel… and totally forgot it was there.

What would be your first port of call if you needed an emergency passport? The passport office, right? Well, it’s not as easy as rocking up and asking for one, apparently.

So the passport office were no help, but maybe the Center Parks cleaners came across it on their rounds? 

Perhaps an opportunistic online seller found it?

Nope, it was definitely in that pillow case.

Desperate times call for desperate measures…

Better luck next time, Anne! We’re guessing Drew didn’t come through with the goods!  

WATCH: Anne-Marie Has The Oddest On-Stage Tradition And It Involves... Poo. Obviously.

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