5 Seconds Of Summer: 8 Definitive Ways To Know You're In The #5SOSFam For Life
17 January 2015, 07:00
The Aussie heart throbs' fans are up for #BestFans2015 – find out how to know if you're a fully fledged member of the #5SOSFam…
It's crazy to think that this time last year, we were only just beginning to hear about the pop punk sensation that is 5 Seconds Of Summer, but the #5SOSFam has steadily grown over the past year to become one of the most powerful fan groups in pop.
Can you guys win #BestFans2015 for your boys Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, Luke Hemmings and Michael Clifford? Can 5SOS end One Direction's two year streak of winning? They're new contenders ready to give the old favourites a SERIOUS run for their money!
Here's how you can tell you're a member of the #5SOSFam for life...
1. You regularly put your llamas up… even in totally inappropriate situations.
2. You have more semi-naked snaps of 5SOS in your camera roll than selfies. And it's not like there is a lack of material to choose from...

3. You could NOT cope with kittens and 5SOS in the same video, and you genuinely wanted to bring Ashton some Piriton for his cat allergy so he could play with them too.
4. You were on hand to offer up virtual tea and sympathy when Ashton had his appendix taken out
5. You were there to see 5SOS' only performance as a three-piece at the Capital Jingle Bell Ball 2014 after Michael lost his passport and got stranded in the USA
6. You've still got their debut album on repeat, know every single lyric and definitely can't resist a boogie… even if you happen to be in public at the time
7. You prayed SO hard you'd win Derpcon tickets, and would have literally sold your soul to be there
8. And above all, you can no longer remember your life without these four gorgeous boys in it!