“We Wouldn’t Be Where We Are Without Them”: 5SOS Owe It All To One Direction
7 July 2014, 09:56

It’s no secret that two of pop’s hottest boybands, 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction, are great mates, but 5SOS reckon they owe a lot of their success to 1D’s support. Aww!
The 5 Seconds of Summer/One Direction bromance is definitely our OTP for 2014 – and the 5SOS boys say there isn’t any competition between the two bands, and that they are grateful for the support 1D have given them at the start of their career.
5 Seconds of Summer’s career has gone from strength to strength in recent months, with the boys announcing their forthcoming arena tour at the weekend, so the time touring with One Direction on their World Tour has given them some invaluable practice in performing for tens of thousands of screaming girls!
Their debut album has also topped the charts in 69 countries in its first week of release, and rather than feeling like they are competing against One Direction for a similar fan base, the boys say they are so grateful for the support they received from One Direction in getting as far as they have in their career.
Luke Hemmings told the Daily Star, “We don't see 1D as competition, we see them as mates. We wouldn't be where we are now without them.”
"At the end of the last tour we crammed them in the room to thank them. We had just come off stage but we did a big sweaty group hug." A big sweaty group hug most of the female population would kill to be in the middle of!