15 HILARIOUS GIFs To Make You Fall In LOVE With 5SOS Before The #CapitalSTB
18 June 2014, 14:27 | Updated: 27 March 2017, 16:31

The world can't get enough of Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael... and neither can WE!
Calum's reaction to Michael's 'attempt' at a rock-out jump is PRICELESS!
Just TRY not to smile along with Ashton in this GIF. Go on... we DARE you!
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DRUM ROLL PLEASE... there's rock GOD on stage... and his name is Ashton Irwin!
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If you need a quick LOL... just look at 5SOS' hair #BITD!
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We LOVE how the boys prepare for a show... reckon they'll do this backstage at the Summertime Ball?
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Sometimes... you just need a cuddle from your bois! #Bromance
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TOO MANY funny things in this GIF... Luke's lolly, Calum's TERRIFYING wig... and whatever that pink thing is!
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Move over Eminem... there's a NEW Slim Shady in town!
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Don't mention it if you ever meet them... but some of 5SOS have a VERY strange walk...
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Ouch! Calum giving Ashton the #StinkFace is AMAZING! #Burn
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Uh-oh... look who the odd one out is! #SadFace
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Thought this was just another GIF of Ashton being a happy chappy... THINK AGAIN! #FlyingCalum
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5SOS are sending out an SOS!
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If you're looking at Luke's face... you're not looking close enough! #SERIOUSBICEPS
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The Countdown To The #CapitalSTB Is ON!
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PLUS... don't forget to relive 5SOS' superhero antics in their 'Don't Stop' video!
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