Emrys Ap Iwan
Emrys Ap Iwan is a school with high aspirations for the learners which the school serves, both in terms of their academic performance and their personal development.
The staff want the best for your child. This means the fulfilment of his or her academic potential and also the development of an individual able to play his or her part in society.
This is achieved by a balance of challenge and support for each individual learner. This they will do in a strong partnership with parents/carers. The school offers a purposeful and well-ordered learning environment, a progressive curriculum, high quality teaching and excellent facilities to support every learner's learning journey throughout the school.
Classroom learning is supported by a variety of additional activities and clubs, as well as their ever popular opportunities to learn away from the school, which encourage learners to take a wider, outward focus on their learning. The school focus on sport, music and drama is an important feature of their work.
All of their learners are prepared for rewarding personal and professional lives with the intellectual, personal and social qualities and skills needed to make a difference to the communities.