Netflix Users Declare 'Christmas Is Cancelled' After The Grinch Removed In December

2 December 2019, 12:32

Netflix have removed 'The Grinch' from its site on December 1st
Netflix have removed 'The Grinch' from its site on December 1st. Picture: Netflix/ YouTube The Grinch

The Grinch has been removed from Netflix, just as people are settling down to watch Christmas films (or, for many heading into their third month) and needless to say, people are not happy about it.

Netflix has caused quite the uproar by removing a Christmas classic, The Grinch, from its site just as the official countdown to Christmas begins and everyone can watch festive films without guilt- and the internet is voicing their extreme disapproval at the move, declaring Christmas 'ruined.'

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The Dr Zeuss novel adapted film starring Jim Carrey as The Grinch (2000) is widely considered one of the best Christmas movies of all time, and has been on Netflix throughout 2019, because lets be honest, we all want to watch it all year round- but has left people distraught by disappearing from the site come December 1st.

One outraged user wrote, "The grinch has been on Netflix since July?? And now it’s December 1st they’ve took it off??? Is this an actual joke??? CHRISTMAS IS CANCELLED" and another fumed, "the grinch has been took off netflix and it’s just ruined my whole christmas."

People also pointed out Love Actually had fallen victim to the Netflix purge, but has popped up on Amazon Prime for the Christmas period, explaining the disappearance of the films, as other streaming sites are willing to bid enormous sums of money to have huge festive films as their own.

Don't worry if you're a Netflix user, there are still plenty of festive classics on the streaming site, including Klaus, Nativity, Let It Snow, New Years Eve, and Bad Santa!

Also- on another note, You series 2 hits Netflix on Boxing Day (26th December)- which we know everyone is dying to see!

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