You've NEVER Spotted This Tiny Detail In 'Elf', But Once You Know It, It'll Get You In The Feels
4 December 2017, 15:09

Prepare to feel old, but Will Ferrell's 'Elf' is 14 years old. And, needless to say, we've watched it every December for 14 years.
From the syrup on spaghetti, to Buddy's awkward showering, there's not a single scene we've missed. (Or, so we thought...)
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We were happily minding our own business, scrolling through Twitter, when we saw someone write about Buddy's daughter, Susie.
Now if you rewind the picture, you'll notice Will Ferrell say "Susan Wells had me, and - and she didn't tell you".
That's right. You read that right. Buddy the Elf named his daughter after the mother he never knew.
after 14 years, i JUST realized buddy and jovie named their daughter "susie" after buddy's mom
— Kayla Yandoli (@kaylayandoli) November 22, 2017
Great. Now we're crying.
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When Will's not making us bawl, he's hooked up to a lie detector kit, and being grilled by other A-listers...