Fans Think That Megan McKenna Copied Kylie Jenner's Lip Kits And We Can Kinda See Why
14 November 2016, 15:16 | Updated: 4 December 2017, 11:10

The similarities are pretty drastic.
When Kylie Jenner launched her Lip Kit range, it was only a matter of time before people started selling knock-offs.
And thanks to their hefty price-tag, we don’t blame people for buying into the fake hype.
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However, now it seems that reality TV star Megan McKenna has released a make up range and people are NOT happy with the similarities between it and Ky’s infamous lip kits.
When Mouthy by Megan McKenna launched, it did so with three debut colours; Shout Out & Spice, Dimples & Sand and Spa Day & Cinnamon.
And we do kinda hate to say it but the colours are ridiculously similar.
Shout Out & Spice vs True Brown K.

Dimples & Sand vs Dolce K.

Spa Day & Cinnamon vs Candy K.

But not only that, the packaging, the way that the ladies have been photographed (both appear to be topless) and the whole general vibe of the lip kits are near enough identical.
Naturally, fans were having a bit of a meltdown on Twitter.
Megan McKenna really thinks she's Kylie Jenner with these lip kits oh god
— Eesa Khan (@_EesaKhan) November 8, 2016
Megan McKenna thinking she's Kylie Jenner in her lip kit snaps
— Daisy Jones (@DmJonez) November 7, 2016
Is Megan McKenna trying to be the English version of kylie Jenner with her lip kits cause nah
— Shan (@ReedmanShannon) November 7, 2016
Can someone please tell me why Megan McKenna has her own lip kit u ain't Kylie Jenner babe x
— Millie Smith (@MillieS_X) November 7, 2016
It's probably also worth noting that just like Kylie's, Megan's lip kits have flown off the shelves and are now sold out. Social media is hyped for the next re-stock so she's clearly doing something right.